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Category: News

FOOD COLLAPSE INCOMING: Ongoing Drought Forces Farmers to Abandon Wheat Crops

FOOD COLLAPSE INCOMING: Ongoing Drought Forces Farmers to Abandon Wheat Crops

The ongoing drought in large parts of the United States is forcing wheat farmers to abandon a portion of their crop at rates not seen in over a century. According to...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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John Kerry Says Farmers Need to Stop Growing Food in Order to Achieve “Net Zero” Climate Goals

John Kerry Says Farmers Need to Stop Growing Food in Order to Achieve “Net Zero” Climate Goals

Failed presidential candidate and political fossil John Kerry, a Democrat, is back in the news for ominous comments he recently made about how the only way for leftists to achieve their “net...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Scientists Create Lab-Grown Frankenfish

Scientists Create Lab-Grown Frankenfish

The foundation for food manufacturers’ promotion of “Frankenfood” is the claim that lab-grown, plant-based, or 3D-printed meat and fish are humane, sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of food production. Yet,...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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U.S. Food Production Has Taken a Very Dangerous Turn in the Wrong Direction

U.S. Food Production Has Taken a Very Dangerous Turn in the Wrong Direction

If farmers and ranchers don’t produce enough food, we don’t eat.  So we should always be very thankful for our hard working farmers and ranchers.  Unfortunately, farms and ranches all...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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The Next Plandemic? Experts Say Bird Flu Virus Is “Changing Rapidly”

The Next Plandemic? Experts Say Bird Flu Virus Is “Changing Rapidly”

Editor's Commentary: There is a fine line between recognizing the machinations of those who are trying to roll out The Great Reset and falling for fake news that actually takes us...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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What They Don’t Want You to Know About Lab-Grown Meat

What They Don’t Want You to Know About Lab-Grown Meat

STORY AT-A-GLANCE While the fake meat industry is being touted as an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to feed the world, the true intent is to recreate the kind of...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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USDA’s Phony ‘Animal Welfare’ Rule and Other Shenanigans

USDA’s Phony ‘Animal Welfare’ Rule and Other Shenanigans

STORY AT-A-GLANCE Draft regulation currently under consideration would legalize factory farm conditions for organic chickens While the proposed rule claims to protect and improve “animal welfare” in organic farming, all...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine

How the War on Farmers Could Trigger a Famine

International Man: Recently, we have seen governments in the Netherlands, and Canada move to shut down farms under the pretext of climate change. According to John Kerry, Biden’s “climate czar,”...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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World’s Largest Artificial Meat Plant Is About to Be Constructed in Spain

World’s Largest Artificial Meat Plant Is About to Be Constructed in Spain

There are plans to scale up mass production of artificial meat lines. The news broke at the annual meeting of the Wyoming Stockgrowers Association. The world’s largest artificial meat plant is...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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Big City Investor Flees to Texas Plot to Restart ‘Biblical’ Life, Grow Own Food, Homeschool—Here’s How

Big City Investor Flees to Texas Plot to Restart ‘Biblical’ Life, Grow Own Food, Homeschool—Here’s How

He was a young, successful investor and family man who had it all. Although he owned property investments, was able to pay $350,000 in cash for a huge house, and...

icon Jan 11, 2024

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